Dan Baird
Jan 26, 2024
There’s a quote by Maya Angelou that everyone in sales, marketing, and every walk of life should know.
It goes like this:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
That’s reality. No use denying it.
Everybody’s got so much going on. We’re bombarded with choices. Emails. Noise.
When all’s said and done, the only thing they’re left with is the impression you made. This has been true forever.
But when you ask someone, what do they do? They tend to answer with the technical answer and not the kind of emotional benefit of what your work accomplishes.
Messaging is the exact same way.
When you’re communicating with your audience, most companies are doing the exact opposite.
They start with the bullet points.
Instead, be like the Nikes and Apples of the world.
Start with what I would call that emotional benefit.
How did you make them feel?
Every piece of your communication should reflect that.
Once you’ve tapped into that, people will immediately start giving you permission to capture more and more of their attention.