Dan Baird
Jan 13, 2024
Going to let you in on a dirty little secret about messaging.
I see businesses of ALL kinds making this one mistake. Not just small mom & pop shops. I’ve seen Billion dollar companies making this exact same mistake.
They’re building stadiums, jets, incredibly huge things yet they still trip over their own feet with this.
Ready for it?
Coming in with a one-size-fits-all message.
I know this isn’t much of a surprise. I wouldn’t bring this up if it didn’t keep happening.
All the time I see companies go out with messaging that’s so broad it’s for absolutely no one. They’re not talking directly to the people that can form a movement and help amplify the message.
Instead, they just go one size fits all. Because it’s easy.
This is the simplest fix you can make as you’re testing messaging. The simplest thing that you have to do. We need you to come in and develop your “inner circle”. That group that will tell you exactly what they think.
Who are you going to talk to that will give you the good and the bad, and who may already get it?